For complete details, see terms at /legal/sales-support/applecare/applecareplus/us/mac/. With the AppleCare Protection Plan, you can extend your service coverage to three years from the computers purchase date. Purchase of the plan is not required to purchase the covered equipment. The AppleCare Protection Plan gives you direct, one-stop access to Apple’s award-winning telephone technical support for questions about Apple hardware, Mac OS X, iLife, and iWork. The company obligated under AppleCare+ in the United States is AppleCare Service Company, Inc., an Arizona corporation and wholly owned subsidiary of Apple Inc., doing business in Texas as Apple CSC Inc. AppleCare+ benefits are separate from and in addition to the Apple Limited Warranty and any legal rights provided by consumer protection laws in your jurisdiction.Apple may also request that the customer replace components with readily installable parts. I received a AppleCare Protection Plan for MacBook. Availability of each option depends on country or region in which service is requested and location of Apple Authorized Service Provider. AppleCare Protection Plan for MacBook Air / 13 MacBook Pro Total Security 1.0 User 1 Year (Voucher).Telephone numbers and hours of operation may vary and are subject to change. Pricing varies depending on the cost of AppleCare+ for your device, but for a 199 plan you’ll pay 9.99 per month, or for a 299 plan you’ll pay 14.99 per month.

Any unused accidental damage incidents will expire and you will get two more accidental damage incidents to use within the next 12 months of continued coverage.
Applecare plan for macbook pro for mac#
Service coverage is available only for Mac and its original included accessories for protection against (i) defects in materials or workmanship, (ii) batteries that retain less than 80% of their original capacity, and (iii) up to two incidents of accidental damage from handling every 12 months, each incident being subject to a service fee of $99 for screen damage or external enclosure damage, or $299 for other accidental damage, plus applicable tax.